Frank Gottron, Coordinator
Specialist in Science and Technology Policy
The federal government invests in research and development (R&D) to improve the government's ability to prevent, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks. Given the diverse nature of current and future terrorist threats, homeland security R&D involves nearly every scientific and technical discipline. In addition to conducting and sponsoring much of this R&D, the government is leveraging its investment by encouraging the private sector to similarly invest. Congress continues to face difficult decisions regarding funding, prioritizing, coordinating, and executing the federal government homeland security R&D agenda.
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 (P.L. 107-296) gave the Directorate of Science and Technology within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsibility for most DHS R&D-related activities. This Directorate has been reorganized multiple times since its inception and has received intense congressional scrutiny. How DHS prioritizes, coordinates, and executes its R&D agenda remains an oversight issue for Congress.
Date of Report: January 12, 2010
Number of Pages: 3
Order Number: IS40372
Price: $7.95
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